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Howard Gaukrodger

The new author from Downunder

“A full-time author, Howard has been involved in writing all his life,” reports Denise Baden of Habitat Press. “He taught English, studied translation, then operated a language consultancy in Norway.”

In love with adventure, Howard has lived in Europe, South America and Australasia. However, it was his escapades of cycling across North Africa that triggered his interest in writing a short story about a Berber family in the Sahara Desert many years later.


The Desert Spiral Initiative was published in the anthology No More Fairy Tales in November, 2022. This fictional short story narrates the adventures of a tough and wizened Berber called Zdan from Siwa in the north-west of Egypt. Determined to improve the life of his Saharan family, he strives to increase crop yields and discovers a farming method that is ultimately adopted for re-greening the entire Western Desert.

Desert Spiral Initiative by Howard Gaukrodger

The Desert Spiral Initiative (Part 1)

by Howard Gaukrodger

The Desert Spiral Initiative was published in the anthology No More Fairy Tales in November, 2022. This fictional short story narrates the adventures of a tough and wizened Berber called Zdan from Siwa in the north-west of Egypt. Determined to improve the life of his Saharan family, he strives to increase crop yields and discovers a farming method that is ultimately adopted for re-greening the entire Western Desert.

“The story is impressive both in terms of narrative drive and the prose itself with many observant and humorous descriptions”

(R. Trezise, The Literary Consultancy)

​This anthology was promoted at the COP 27 climate conference in Egypt, November 2022.

Part I of the story is available as an audio file below.

No more fairy tales cop27
Having turned his attention to climate change, Howard’s first cli-fi novel, Global Dawning: Convergence, is an intriguing metaverse thriller that he hopes will grab the attention of young adults.
Global Dawning - cover image

This cli-fi thriller is the first in a series. It reveals the animal metaverse of Lufianblid and plays it against the human world that the Lufians call Felacynn.

A must read for youngsters (and maybe everyone that is concerned about our world). I hope Howard’s book will be read by hundreds, thousands, or maybe even more.

(Fons K, May 2024)

Fusing tension and tragedy, inspiration and recovery, the plot of this novel is upbeat and full of hope and determination. All parties know they have to mitigate climate change, but they need to do it in harmony.

“I love it!”

(Dan Bloom, creator of the term ‘cli-fi’ commenting on the novel prior to revision.)

Parallel climate events cause havoc. Maluk has to help, but how? His secret powers, maybe? The Lufians always work together – or they used to – and Felacytes have got all the resources they need, haven’t they?

No more fairy tales cop27

“The story is impressive both in terms of narrative drive and the prose itself with many observant and humorous descriptions”

(R. Trezise, The Literary Consultancy)

“Excellent read. Very original and entertaining. Howard knows the climate facts and he has put them masterfully in the stories. So not only a great read, but also educational. I would love to have the bear Maluk!”

(Pauline H, May 2024)

“I love it!”

(Dan Bloom, creator of the term ‘cli-fi’)



“A must read for youngsters (and maybe everyone that is concerned about our world). I hope your book will be read by hundreds, thousands, or maybe even more 😇

(Fons K, May 2024)

While cli-fi is Howard’s current focus, he’s no stranger to other genres, and his first novel was a humorous travelogue. Recently rewritten under the title Campervans Gone Wild, the novel builds on his experience touring New Zealand in the 1990s. Howard is now looking to work with a publisher to bring the book to market.

I kept a detailed diary of my tour of New Zealand – focussing on people and their behaviour. It was invaluable for creating portraits of characters and scenes. And then there’s Ivan the campervan – a reliable old tank of a vehicle with enough character to star in his own TV show. I see him even now, wheezing and farting around the country. Yep, everybody knows when Ivan’s approaching.


Creative writing is art.

– Don’t shoot the artist for depicting the devil

– Howard Gaukrodger

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